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And that's a wrap: Year one is complete

At approximately 9:00am this morning, I shut my laptop. My last final exam, complete. And perhaps the most anticlimactic end to a school year.

No celebration with classmates and friends to mark the end of an important year. I know a lot of students who are at an even more pivotal point in their journey -- graduation, or the completion of didactic -- are feeling this even more. I'm sorry that there won't be white coat ceremonies or traditional graduations or clinking glasses or hugs.

And while I'm sad I can't celebrate this accomplishment how I would like, I think it's worth a peek back at the last 353 days of this journey! Here's some of the things I've learned.
  • Minimalist living is surprisingly comforting. At least until the cockroaches come...
  • Bonds are built over the "tanks" -- bonds you can't break!
  • You know you're busy when grocery shopping counts as your time to relax. 
  • Good friends and family will be there for you, even after you blow them off for the (seemingly) millionth time. 
  • It's important to have someone you can vent to. Maybe a professional. 
  • You do have to cut yourself off from coffee at some point during the day.
  • Popcorn and Twizzlers does not count as dinner. 
  • It's truly amazing the amount of information our brains can retain. 
  • Moms are the best because they will help you move long into your 30s!
  • Love is your grandparents making a three hour trip so your grandpa can be your practice patient. 
  • It's okay to cry. It's okay to ask for help. It's not okay to give up.
  • Failure is probably going to happen (screw you, dermatology pharmacology...). But it's not the end of the world. 
  • You can't survive on coffee alone. Water. Definitely also drink water. 
  • A pandemic can take away your coffee shop study dates. But it can't take away Facebook messenger video study sessions!
I know this is a quote about being a parent, but I also think it fits here: "The days are long, but the years are short." It's wild that I'm here, having survived an entire year of PA school. I know there's still a lot ahead of me, but it feels so great to be here right now.

Looking ahead to the future, I'm hoping to enjoy my summer break. I may need to re-learn what it's like to be a normal human being who isn't juggling PA school plus a job! I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with all this free time!

So, I'll enjoy summer as best I can. Two more semesters of didactic while I continue to work as a clinical dietitian. Then, clinical year! I'll be at the finish line in no time. 

Thanks for reading,


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