I saw this article on Facebook and it really hit home for me: "Your 'Surge Capacity' is Depleted -- It's Why You Feel Awful." I strongly encourage you to read the whole article yourself, but a few things stuck out to me that I feel compelled to share.
First, what's surge capacity? It's your adaptive abilities for dealing with acute stress. The problem with a pandemic is that it isn't really acute in the same way that a massive tornado or other disaster might be. We're in this for the long haul, and if you're like me, those adaptive abilities have worn thin.
For me, this has looked like feelings of helplessness and exhaustion. I've spent a lot more time on my couch watching bad reality TV than I'd like to admit. But with school starting in up in less than a week, that really isn't going to fly. So how does a student (in an intensive graduate program) keep moving forward?
"Both-And" Thinking
One of my favorite lessons from this article was the idea of using "both-and" thinking. Used in ambiguous situations, it allows you to say "this is terrible, but it also might not be terrible. As a student, this might mean saying, "Online learning isn't the experience I wanted, and this my opportunity to chase my dream of becoming a PA." Or, "I'm a goal-getter and badass student, and I'm being patient with myself and understanding not every day is going to feel great."
Self Care, but Different
I've said in the past how important self-care is during PA school. That's especially true now, but it may look a little different than the pedicure or dinner with friends you may have had before. For me, I've been trying to prioritize being outside (whether I'm biking, hiking with friends, or better yet, socially distanced at the beer garden!). Your time is limited in PA school, and you'll be tired, so thinking of safe and enjoyable ways to spend that bit of free time may not be easy. But it's so, so important.
Healthy Habits
Speaking of being tired, self care also extends to your day-to-day habits. Going for a run or a walk. Eating healthfully. Getting enough sleep. These things all help to reduce stress and help you feel more resilient. If you don't take care of yourself, you'll be more likely to burn out.
This has been one heck of a summer. Kudos to the students who have managed to balance everything so far! PA school has always been a tough road, and now we just have a few more roadblocks to navigate now. But we're all highly capable people! As always, lean on your support system -- your classmates, faculty, family and friends. Be patient with yourself. You've got this.
Thanks for reading,
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