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No Buy Day 5: It's going to be a long year

The new year feels like such a clean slate. I've had time to rest and recover and reset my mind after a very long semester (lots of time on the couch with puppy cuddles definitely helped). As I mentioned before, one of my intentions for the new year was to be more budget conscious. And because I have some lofty savings goals, the idea of a No Buy Challenge really took hold.

Here's what I've learned already, less than one week into the challenge:

1) Start soon after you decide to do the challenge. 
I found myself "prepping" for my no-buy by buying things. A pair of new yoga pants, a weighted blanket I've always wanted to try. Yes, I was smart about finding good deals on these things, but it seemed like I took advantage of a big loophole from the get-go.

2) I definitely want to buy a lot of things I don't need. 
Going into this challenge, I knew I'd be saying "no" to myself a lot. But wow, it's like daily. I busted a long phone charger, and old me would have just bought another one on Amazon (even though I have another shorter one that works perfectly fine). Friend recommends a great book? Probably would have bought that, too, even though I already have more books than I'll reasonably be able to get through this year. Smh.

3) My food budget may need to be reviewed, too. 
Originally, I had listed "groceries" as an exception in my no-buy rules. I'm a very busy working student who wants to eat healthy. So, if it means spending a bit more, then I'm willing to do it. But, I think it doesn't mean I must spend more.

For example, I spent $90 on groceries today (trying to stock up before the semester starts tomorrow), and I bought little single-serve oatmeal cups to take to work. I justified this because it's healthy and quick, and this version was much lower in sugar than the boxes of oatmeal packets. At this moment, though, I'm not too busy to make my own oatmeal to take to work. Yes, it'll be nice to have a couple on hand when I really am too busy for that kind of prep, but I definitely don't need to be spending that much on oatmeal all the time.

4) I need to stay the heck out of Target. 
Bought some PJ pants with leftover Christmas money from Target and they didn't fit, so I took them back to the store today and decided while I was there I'd grab dryer sheets that I needed. Just walking up and down that first main aisle had me wanting to buy a new planner, toys for Milo, and a dang cute coffee mug. Not saying old me would have actually purchased any of this stuff, but the temptation was real. 

5) More people are interested in being budget-conscious than I thought. 
Starting this challenge and being so vocal about it has made me realize just how many of my friends are either quietly being smart with their money or secretly are trying to do better. I got coffee with a friend the other day and she told me all about Clever Girl Finance, chatted about her financial goals, and told me a few great tools she uses to keep her finances and budget organized. Not only was this great advice, but it felt good knowing I'm not alone in these efforts. Sure, we're not going about this the same way, but there's camaraderie in our efforts.

Needless to say, it's going to be a loooong year. But I've noticed I also feel really excited about taking charge of my finances and *hopefully* stashing away a decent amount in my savings before clinical year rolls around.

Thanks for reading,


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