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Changes ahead: Life as a part-time PA student

I OFFICIALLY PASSED ANATOMY! After spending countless hours in the lab and the library, I have thrown out my greasy scrubs and have conquered one of the most challenging things I've ever done. It was a strange and unique experience, and I am forever grateful to the man who donated his body to my learning experience. What a gift to be able to learn in that way.

With anatomy over, I have just three weeks left in the semester. As my summer comes to a close, I'm thinking ahead to what the fall is going to bring. And I'm not going to lie, even though people say anatomy is the hardest, I'm worried about what's to come.

Here's the thing. I'm part of a unique distance education program with my PA school. What that means is I'm spending 12 weeks on campus with all the students, tackling gross anatomy, H&P and other courses. But when summer comes to a close, I'm headed back home to complete my didactic portion almost entirely online. While the traditional on-campus students will do didactic over just one year, us distance folks will go "part-time" and complete the didactic work over two years.

There's definitely pros and cons to this.


  • I won't be graduating until (gulp) May 2022. 
  • I will be alone at home; no more camaraderie with the other students.
  • Part-time means I get to keep working! That's obviously beneficial from a financial standpoint.
  • I'll be closer to friends and family (not that I'll have tons of time for fun, but at least they're close by!).
NEUTRALS (yeah, I'm making up a category):
  • I'll be moving out of my studio and back into my house (more on this in the next post, ha). 
To make the fall semester even more interesting, I am going to be starting a brand new job (still as a dietitian, just a different hospital this time). New job, new schedule, new learning environment... it's going to be a big adjustment! Now see why I'm a little nervous?!

I'm pretty Type-A, so I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for what's to come (while of course enjoying the little time I have left on campus!). Here's what I've come up with so far:
  1. Having a physical planner (and sticking to it). I've had some trouble over the years getting accustomed to using Google Calendar, and I'm a big fan of to-do lists (but not digital ones, I'm talking about lists on sticky notes). So, on advice from my sister, I picked up a big ol' planner today with a section for daily to-do lists. Hopefully this keeps me on track!
  2. Putting together an office (and closing the door!). I know plenty of people who like working from home, but I've always been the type who likes going to work or sitting in lectures. Having a dedicated time and space keeps me on track. So, this online life is going to be challenging! Priority #1 when I get back home is to set up a proper home office and treat it like a real office. That means no getting distracted with cleaning or break time on the couch or snacks (love me some snacks). Heck, I might even do a fresh coat of paint to really make it feel fresh and new!
  3. Having a plan for studying elsewhere. Let's be real; sometimes studying at home just doesn't work. It's a lesson I've learned this summer, and I'm sure it's going to be a factor when I get back home. So, I've put together a list of hours for local libraries and coffee shops. I might even look into finding a co-working space. Whatever it takes to keep me on track, I'll do it. 
Have you taken online classes or successfully worked from home? What's your advice? I'd love to hear it!


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