I'm back! No better time than the transition between didactic and clinical year to resurrect the blog, am I right? Let's do a quick look back on didactic year and talk about what's ahead. Review of Didactic Year As a reminder, I was a distance education student, so unlike most PA students who complete didactic over one year, I did it over two years and completed most of it from my home community. Because I was "part-time" I was able to work and even started a new job during my didactic period (probably wouldn't recommend that...). I worked 24 hours per week during my first year (because the job was new and quite challenging, and I was doing the "Big 3") and then increased to 32 hours during my second year (because, hi, money is nice and I felt more comfortable stretching myself a little thinner, haha). I've written in the past about how I studied in PA school , so I won't repeat that here. Instead, I will say this: doing PA school part time...
A 30-something PA student writing about learning from a distance, trying to find balance, and enjoying the journey.