Guess what?! I am officially halfway through my first summer semester of PA school! It’s just crazy to me, because it both feels like it has flown by and it feels like I’ve been here for 6 months, not 6 weeks. But this means 6 more weeks (plus one day) of really hard work. I’ve heard that this next gross anatomy exam is the worst of the bunch, and it’s messing with my head a little bit. Cranial nerves are hard, ya’ll! So once I’m done here, I’m headed off to the library for the rest of the day. One of the things I’ve been thinking a lot about is my mental sanity. Studying this much information this quickly has a way of turning you into a caffeine-fueled stress-monster. In the past, I may have taken a night (or, honestly, a full day) off to just relax and binge-watch Netflix, there just isn’t time for that anymore. So I’ve been trying to working in other small self-care tactics into my day that will help me relax and re-focus without losing time. Each day, I have to take a bus home ...
A 30-something PA student writing about learning from a distance, trying to find balance, and enjoying the journey.