Did you know that the average anticipated debt load from PA school is $112,500 ?! So if you're wondering why a lot of my posts this year have been related to budget, this is why! I recently posted about the No Buy turning into a Low Buy , after a friend and I admitted to both feeling a bit burned out by the limits on our spending. But I'm not sure anymore that this plan is going to work for me. The No Buy started after I evaluated my 2019 spending habits and was left wondering, "where the heck is all my money going?!" I know a couple of things about myself -- I am not a fan of spreadsheets, and I can make excuses to buy just about anything. So I needed a simple strategy to limit my spending, and thanks to some YouTube inspiration, my own version of a No Buy was born. And so far, it's been pretty successful. I am spending 71% of my monthly average from 2019. I was able to save enough to pay off my car loan early , while still having a decent amount of savings to f...
A 30-something PA student writing about learning from a distance, trying to find balance, and enjoying the journey.